HOLA has been funded, in part, through the New York State Council on the Arts, The City of New York Department of Cultural Affairs, Friends of HOLA and the dues-paying members of HOLA.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
HOLA Member Bochinche
The Rafael Spregelburd play La estupidez for a short run at the Repertorio Español in the Gramercy area of Manhattan and be helmed by Julián J. Mesri, a Van Lier Young Directors Fellow. The cast includes Yanko Bakulic, Mariana Buoninconti, Freia Canals, Mario Mattei and Eric Robledo and is set for a late July, early August run.
Manhattan Repertory Theater is presenting Memory is a Culinary Affair as part of their Summerfest 2010. Written by Graciela Berger Weisman and directed by Heather Violanti, the play is set to occur at Manhattan Rep's eponymous theater in the theater district of midtown Manhattan and features Ydaiber Orozco, Mariana Parma and Juan Villarreal in the cast.
Actor-playwright-producer Mario Golden e-mailed us from Berlin, Germany to tell us that he is filming You Are So Beautiful there. The film, being directed by Frieder Schlaich, deals with a Latino immigrant family in Germany. Golden, who splits his time between the U.S. and Germany, is working with Andreas Robertz on their theater project Intimate Relations Project.
Blanca Vásquez e-mailed us to let us know that she booked a TV commercial for the U.S. Census, where she played a pregnant young mom. As a result, she is now SAG-eligible. She also co-narrated (with Shari Peele and Cherise Boothe) the audiobook Jumped (written by Rita Williams-García), for which she received the following review: "The narrators give the characters flavor and texture, making them sound like genuine teens and making the narration all that much more believable."
If you are an HOLA member and want to submit a bochinche item, send us an e-mail at holagram@hellogram.org. If you are not an HOLA member, why not join?
Monday, July 19, 2010
HOLA Member Bochinche

Moisés Acevedo e-mailed us to let us that he worked on a new TV show starring Louis C.K. called "Louie" (FX) and did two voiceovers for a book company. In addition, he is working on this short film titled Kings Of Bushwick. The film Don't Let Me Drown, in which he stars, open on August 20 in selected theaters in NYC. He also co-hosts a radio show called "Pocket Change" (with Cassandra Kate Escobar), where they talk about everything-- planning, saving money, reaching goal and financial literacy for young people. The program airs every Tuesday at 2:30pm only on WDJZ Radio.
Luis Salgado has announced that he is leaving the Broadway musical In The Heights to move on to two different projects: the first being the concert staging of the Paul Simon/Derek Walcott musical The Capeman, to take place this summer at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park and then as a cast member of the Broadway musical version of Pedro Almodóvar's Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, to be produced by and at Lincoln Center.
If you are an HOLA member and want to submit a bochinche item, send us an e-mail at holagram@hellogram.org. If you are not an HOLA member, why not join?
Friday, July 16, 2010
Accent Reduction Seminar with Glenn Zuraw
Thursday, July 22, 2010
@ CSV Cultural and Educational Center
107 Suffolk Street, 2nd Floor, NYC
(F to Delancey / J M Z to Essex / M14A or M9 bus)

Do you know how many different ways you can say the phrase “He likes the color purple?” There are at least six (6) different ways to say that simple phrase and each one is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. Come to the workshop and find out how!
We at HOLA look forward to seeing you on the 22nd!
Wine and cheese will be served (so that you are more relaxed….
Certified ESL Teacher/Accent Reduction Coach
(212) 253-1015
$25 (non-HOLA members: $35)
"Very fun and informative. [He] dominated the topic."
"Great teacher. Thorough. Many more people can benefit from it."
"The instructor was patient and knowledgeable. Nice, friendly and respectful."
"Very informative, fun and friendly. Helpful."
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The majority of the workshop was spent on the impact of headshots. Fern showed examples of headshots and then went on to critique individual headshots. She took the time to review each participants’s headshot and ask them about their goals. It was apparent people weren’t aware of their own goals by their inability to answer her questions. One of those questions was, “What kind of work are you looking to book?” I admit to being one of those who stumbled when asked the question.
As the critiques went on, Fern’s comments were equally funny but brutal. Her piercing honesty was an indication of how harsh the casting process can be. In the end, it’s a reflection of how fast-paced the industry is. As a result, there’s no time for nonsense. People submitting for roles in TV need to be prepared, focused and professional. Anything less will most likely bring about a very unpleasant experience. Fern’s overall message was to focus on the reality of who you are and what types you can play to help redirect a floundering career. She warned not to let ego or self-esteem issues get in the way of what you can actually do. In the end, you need to remember the business end of acting. Be professional, know your market, know your goals and target your efforts towards that which will bring about the most success.
One of the most insightful pieces of information provided by Fern was how the TV casting process works. The difference in TV casting is that you ARE the role you’re auditioning for. You need to be the character as you walk into the audition room. Consider it “condensed casting” due to the extremely fast pace at which casting directors work. This is where your headshot can be an effective tool. Your headshot should represent your type and any other important aspects of yourself (i.e. height, weight and even whether you have an accent) so there are no surprises for casting directors when they meet you.
Regarding headshots, most people are given the tip to “be yourself” or “show your personality.” It’s not so much showing “who you are” in the headshot but showing the types of characters you can play (realistically and honestly). Keep in mind this is specific to casting for episodic TV shows and doesn’t really apply to other genres such as theatre or commercials. This is the importance of knowing your target market. I never knew this aspect of TV casting before the workshop and cannot thank Fern enough for sharing this invaluable information.
Some other tips from the workshop are below.
Keynotes on targeting work:
- Know who you are! Know your type!
- Be aware of patterns in casting
- Watch shows on networks to research roles (and types of roles) that are available
- Submit for things you are truly right for
Keynotes on what to know BEFORE you get your headshots:
- Know what kind of work you’re looking to do
- Think about the performance in the headshot, what character(s) are you portraying?
- Plan for 2-3 different shots that represent different characters you can portray
- Use location shots to keep headshots from looking flat. Make sure background is appropriate for “character”
- Be very aware of color choices
- Make sure angles on poses are not awkward
- Women: avoid spaghetti strap style shirts
Keynotes on headshots that will get you seen:
- Full color!
- Make sure your materials reflect what the casting notice is asking for
- Be aware most shots are first viewed by casting director at thumbnail size. Make sure your headshots translate well at a reduced size.
In closing, I want to thank CBS for this workshop. It was key in shedding light to some of the stumbling blocks towards a successful career in TV. Whatever your path, be professional, stay focused and dare to reach for the stars. Wishing you all success!
...Phoenix Ximénez
HOLA Member
Monday, July 12, 2010
Report: The Mental Game of Auditioning Workshop with Hermán Chaves
At the end of the workshop, students were given a survey to fill out. The opinions was pretty much unanimous in praise for Chaves and his direct, "no BS" approach. Some of the opinions are below.
• "[Hermán] is a pass
• "Very informative and helpful. Gave me a little push to go auditioning."
• "This is one of the best seminars I've attended."
• "I gained a real life perspective of the entertainment industry and simple techniques I could use."
• "Hermán has a passion for what he does, it shows in his work."
Photo credit: Martín Chávez.
Friday, July 9, 2010
HOLAfábrica presents Audiobooks Technique workshop
Audiobooks Technique workshop
on how to audition for audiobooks
HOLA Special Projects Director and Rights Acquisitions/Director of AudioLibros, Recorded Books Productions, Manuel Herrera, will be conducting a "how to" approach to
• microphone practice
• characterization and interpretation technique.
August 3 & 5, 2010
Tuesday and Thursday
6:30 to 8:30pm
Air conditioned
Recorded Books Productions
826 Broadway, 10th Floor (near East 12th Street), NYC
HOLA members $80 (non-members $100)
MasterCard, Visa & American Express
Limited class size
Call to register (212) 253-1015
NOTE: The workshop will be conducted in Spanish.
NOTA: El taller se va a conducir en español.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
HOLA Member Bochinche
Teatro IATI is set to launch its third annual Performing Arts

• My Audition for Almodóvar. Written by Alberto Ferreras and Inma Heredia, directed by Ferreras, and choreographed by Carlos Fittante, the solo show (starring Heredia) brings you the chance of a lifetime for an actress on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
• Inverosímil (Hard to Believe). Written by Ariel Dávila and directed by Gerardo Gudiño, this production mixes genres such as absurd comedy, cop story, telenovela soap opera and Greek tragedy and puts it in a film noir aesthetic. Starring Patricia Becker, Beatriz Córdoba, Ricardo Hinoa, Alfonso Rey and Marcelo Rodríguez.
• La esposa y el maniquí (The Spouse and the Mannequin). Written by Paula Crequet and directed by Yolanny Rodríguez. This play asks, How far would you go to punish your cheating spouse? Starring Katherine Leyva Marichal, Alain Michel Martínez, Berenice Piazza and Héctor Palacios.
• Decade of a Glance. Created, directed and choreographed by Joan Evans. An epic story of a few stories in the Dustbowl of the U.S., circa 1936, who are uprooted from their farmland by drought, dust storms and mortgage foreclosure. The physical theater piece features the talent of Laura Carbonell, Erika Cazeneuve, Annie Chang, Aidan Koehler, Gaja Massaro, Rafa Miguel, Tommy Nelms, Sean Powell, Lulu Rossbacher, Melanie Siegel, Margaux Susi, Elise Toscano, Cynthia Vázquez and Sarah Wharton.
• Adela dice... (Adela Says...). Written by Claudio Marte and directed by Germán A. Baruffi. A play that deals with Adela and Ramón, a Dominican couple with more than 20 years in New York, who are torn between going back to their past and rejecting the best offer of their lives. Winner of IATI's 2009 Showcase of Abdón Villamizar Playwrights Lab and Directors Lab. Assistant directed by Tamara Turner. Starring Jeanette González, Mauricio Leyton, Carlos A. Valencia and Betsy Pujols.
All productions will be at Teatro IATI's namesake space in Manhattan's East Village. For more information, click here.
If you are an HOLA member and want to submit a bochinche item, send us an e-mail at holagram@hellogram.org. If you are not an HOLA member, why not join?
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
HOLA Member Bochinche
Yanillys Pérez e-mailed us to let us know that last month she went to the Cannes Film Festival to promote the screening of a French miniseries titled "Carlos" (directed by Olivier Assayas) in which she acted. The film is based on the story of Venezuelan revolutionary Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, also known as Carlos the Jackal, who raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975 before being caught by the French police. In addition, another film in which she acted, Bushwick (directed by Luis Landívar), is scheduled for an August run an at art house cinema in NYC.
Rebeca Díaz can be seen in select July performances of the off-Broadway interactive improv musical comedy show titled LMAO. Performances are at the Ha! Comedy Club in the theater district of midtown Manhattan. In addition, she will perform with the Latino comedy troupe Lose Control at the Broadway Comedy Club in the Clinton neighborhood of Manhattan. Finally, she booked a stage tour for a repertory of plays with Boston-based Chambers Theater.
Gredivel Vásquez can be currently seen in the new production of Carlos Ferrari's El insólito caso de Mis' Piña Colada at Repertorio Español. Directed by René Buch with the assistance of Fernando Then, the show has received great reviews including a rave by The New York Times that one could read here. In addition, Ms. Vásquez booked a promotional film (called "Nuevos Americanos") and an on-camera commercial for TG&L.

A.B. Lugo is scheduled to open in the new production of Joe Pintauro's Raft of the Medusa this month. Directed by Alberto Bonilla, the play will take place at the Secret Theatre in the Long Island City area of Queens.
If you are an HOLA member and want to submit a bochinche item, send us an e-mail at holagram@hellogram.org. If you are not an HOLA member, why not join?
HOLAfábrica presents two new workshops/seminars
Are you one of those actors who thinks they “don’t audition well?"
Are you not good at cold reading?
Mr. Chaves is a bicoast

The Mental Game of Auditioning is a two-day workshop that liberates the actor to not be intimidated by the process and be their best at auditions. The goal of the workshop is to empower the actor. To help him or her in a practical way, through real world experience and not theory. This workshop will develop the skills and confidence needed to free the individual from their chains of limitations, be they technical (sides of an audition scene) or psychological (fear, anxiety, etc.). The essence of the class is on efficiency and quick assessment.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010 and
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
6:30PM to 8:30PM both days
$40 for two days
(Non-HOLA Members: $50)
@ CSV Cultural and Educational Center
107 Suffolk Street, 2nd Floor,
(between Rivington and Delancey), NYC
F to Delancey / J M Z to Essex / M14A or M9 bus
DAY TWO: Study Audition Sides / Execute Your Interpretation / See Clips of Auditions of the Stars
(212) 253-1015
"I love it! [Herman] is awesome, direct [and] to the point, clear and super useful." "[It’s] a new mental makeup; a new mental approach to auditioning."
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Non-HOLA members $35
New and Returning Students
@ CSV Cultural and Educational Center
107 Suffolk Street, 2nd Floor, NYC
(F to Delancey / J M Z to Essex / M14A or M9 bus)

Do you know how many different ways you can say the phrase “He likes the color purple?” There are at least six (6) different ways to say that simple phrase and each one is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. Come to the workshop and find out how!
We at HOLA look forward to seeing you on the 22nd!
Wine and cheese will be served (so that you are more relaxed….
Certified ESL Teacher/Accent Reduction Coach
(212) 253-1015
$25 (non-HOLA members: $35)
"Very fun and informative. [He] dominated the topic."
"Great teacher. Thorough. Many more people can benefit from it."
"The instructor was patient and knowledgeable. Nice, friendly and respectful."
"Very informative, fun and friendly. Helpful."
Friday, July 2, 2010
HOLA Member Bochinche
The Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre's Musical Theatre Unit presented its second annu

• Oh! Yantay, written and directed by Walter Ventosilla based on the Incan tale of Ollantay, took place in the Instituto Cervantes in the East Side of Manhattan and featured Marisol Carrere, Anna Estrada and William Saquicela in the cast.
• I Want You By My Side, written by Tere Martínez (adapted from Quiero que estés a mi lado by Pati Domenech) and directed by Arian Blanco, took place at Teatro IATI in Manhattan's East Village, featured stage management by Karina Alós and the talents of Howard Collado, Anita Kalathara and Miriam Morales in the cast.
• TeatroStageFest's first staged reading series featured works by seven writers from Spain, the Dominican Republic and New York. Called The Authors' Voice, the readings were directed by Puy Navarro, Roberto Cambeiro and Berioska Ipinza, respectively, the readings took place at Instituto Cervantes and Teatro IATI and featured the talents of Winston Estévez, Fabián González, Pietro González, A.B. Lugo, Ydaiber Orozco, Betsy Pujols, Laura Spalding, Carlos Valencia and Teresa Yenque.
If you are an HOLA member and want to submit a bochinche item, send us an e-mail at holagram@hellohola.org. If you are not an HOLA member, why not join?
HOLA Member Bochinche
María Teresa Silva e-mailed us to let us know what she has been working on recently. She booked a role on an educational video ("Exploraciones") and roles in the films Changing Diego, Thug Soldier, The Ultimate Answer and The Instant Messenger.
Adriana Sananes won the 2010 Audie Award for Best Spanish Narration for

Mónica Delgado contacted the HOLA office to let us know that she booked a radio voiceover for McDonald's.

Antonio García, Jr. e-mailed us to tell us that he has been busy working on some student projects at New York University and that he is in rehearsals for the John Rafter Lee play Passchendaele. Produced by Thesia Arts and scheduled for an August run, it is part of the 2010 New York International Fringe Festival (fringeNYC) at the Robert Moss Theater in the Noho section of Manhattan. For more information about the production, click here.
If you are an HOLA member and want to submit a bochinche item, send us an e-mail at holagram@hellohola.org. If you are not an HOLA member, why not join?
HOLA Member Bochinche
Teatro Las Tablas presented El retrato oval at is space in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan. Based on the work by Edgar Allan Poe, it was adapted by Héctor Palacios and directed by Alain Michel Martínez and featured Ydaiber Orozco and Palacios in the cast.
Richard Malavet has a residency in July at the Metropolitan Room (located in the Flatiron district of Manhattan) with his cabaret show The Billy Eckstine Project: Songs in the Key of “B.”
Jorge Hoyos is acting in the Nylon Fusion Collective production of Lope De Vega's Fuenteovejuna at the Flamboyán Theater in the Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural and Educational Center (home to HOLA) in the Loísaida neighborhood of Manhattan.
Bárbara Bonilla can be seen in You've Got Hate Mail at the Triad Theater in the West Side of Manhattan.
Tony Chiroldes was awarded a seed grant by the Jim Henson Foundation for the development and presentation of Before Icarus Fell, a live-actor, video and shadow puppetry piece with music. The production is inspired by the life of Alberto Santos Dumont (1873-1932), one of the world's earliest aviators. Santos Dumont, in his native country of Brazil, is considered the true father of aviation. Before Icarus Fell is slated to premier in November 2010. (Blogger's note: Chiroldes can be currently seen in the cast of the hit Broadway musical In The Heights.)
If you are an HOLA member and want to submit a bochinche item, send us an e-mail at holagram@hellohola.org. If you are not an HOLA member, why not join?
Thursday, July 1, 2010