Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another loss to the HOLA family

Dear members and friends of HOLA,

It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of Francisco Gutiérrez Rivela, Chairman of the Board of HOLA.

Francisco died suddenly and unexpectedly last Tuesday evening from cardiac arrest. He died as he lived, with intensity and passion.

As you all know, Francisco was an incomparable force in the Spanish language media and arts as an actor, director, writer and announcer. He was hugely influential and dedicated to all aspects of HOLA throughout the years. We hope that his many colleagues continue his efforts to help preserve this great organization.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to HOLA.

Dr. Alina Segura-Bustamante
Raquel Rivela
Alex Segura


  1. To the Rivela family I am so sorry for your loss Francisco was such a beautilful person and friend. We should all feel Lucky God gave him to us for this short time. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Amigos de HOLA:

    Conmovidos por la triste noticia del fallecimiento de su Presidente Francisco Rivela, desde R.Evolución Latina queremos transmitirles nuestro pesar. Les ofrecemos nuestras más sentidas condolencias.

    El ejemplo revolucionario del compañero actor y amigo Francisco Rivela, siempre acompañará a todos los hombres y mujeres que incansablemente trabajan por el bienestar de los artistas de nuestra comunidad Latina. Su intensa, responsable y fecunda labor como activista hizo posible mover su organización adelante y convertirla en el hogar central de los actores Latinos. Su especial sensibilidad humana y artística tocó el corazón de todos los que le conocimos y trabajamos con él.

    El nombre de Francisco Rivela permanecerá por siempre en el corazón y la mente de sus colegas actores, activistas y amigos como paradigma de firmeza revolucionaria, sólidas convicciones, valentía, talento inigualable, compromiso con su comunidad y amor desmedido.

    Nos unimos a ustedes en la memoria de su Presidente y les ofrecemos consuelo en este momento tan difícil que nos arropa a todos.

    Queda de ustedes su servidor,

    Luis Salgado
    Founder/Director of R.Evolucion Latina,Dare to go Beyond!

  3. A wonderful, loving, and supremely talented person we had the honor of knowing for over 20 years, since our children were in preschool together. We so regret not having been in touch recently to have enjoyed his presence longer. We are stunned at this tragic loss. All our love to Alina and Raquel and family.

    Peter and Susan Myers

  4. Francisco's passing is a giant personal loss to all of us who had the great joy of working with him. This was a golden heart and brilliant intelect from whom all of us will benefit for the rest of our lives.

    To Francisco's family we can only extend our greatest love, and thanks for having shared this great froend with all of us.

    Mauricio Bustamante

  5. Francisco Rivela. I still can't believe it.
    The whole voiceover, SAG and arts community will miss you for ALL your efforts. HOLA will miss you terribly.

    You were a leader, a huge influence and I am honored to have known you. I loved your voice. You were a master at what you did.

    Francisco: Thank you for opening your home to me. Thank you for your activism. Thank you for your openness and your faith in me, thank you for being a stand for my career. The last time I saw you on the street talking to a colleague, during the last 2 weeks of our Cinderella tour, you expressed that you were just mentioning me and then I appeared. You were praising my work and that touched my heart. Thank you.

    Alina and Raquel, my thoughts and prayers go to you in this transition. I send you love and positive energy.

    Blanca Vasquez

  6. We worked with Francisco many times over the past thirty years and always found him to be charming, delightful and hugely professional. He will be missed greatly in our world and our heartfelt sympathies go out to you and the family.

    Philip Lee/Full House Productions
